Monthly Budget Calculator
Monthly Budget Calculator
Our marketing plans are a great way of getting started with a new marketing and social media drive as they commit us to providing content. Although, there is no longterm commitment to each plan, they can be turned on or off on a monthly basis as long as we have ten days notice.
The type of plans we offer are briefly explained below, with a link for more of an indepth guide on each plan type. Individual plans and monthly costs can be found using the monthly budgeting tool.
Social Media Advertising
Monthly plans to create professionally designed adverts (or other) that are pre-scheduled ahead of the month and posted on your Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook company pages. Depending on the plan, content is posted every Mon-Wed-Fri or every business day.
Social Media Occasions
Two monthly plan options. We create professionally designed posts for Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook. These celebrate set UK & global occasions, such as Remembrance Day, St Patrick’s Day, Chinese New Year, Thanksgiving and more. Optional to include sporting occasions.
Articles & Newsletters
We write a set number of monthly news articles on your website and share as posts on linkedin, twitter and facebook (linked to your website). We drive content, usuallly a balance of your news and generic industry news. Optionallly, newsletters can then be created from these articles, linked back to your site from within your preferered mailshot software.
Email Campaigns
We design and create one or two professional looking marketing emails for sending to clients or prospects from within your preferred eshot program (such as Constant Contact, Mailchimp etc). Optionallly, we can schedule a follow up email to the original mailshot.