Social Media Blog: How Occasions Can Balance Your Content
In our last blog we talked about how social media advertising can help build your brand awareness. If you missed it, you can read it HERE.
However, the purpose of this post is to highlight the need to balance your content.
In an ideal world, social media advertising would be accompanied with posts that are more topical, social or entertaining. This type of content balances out your advertising and is more likely to encourage people to follow your page.
Celebrating milestones, sharing achievements, supporting causes, news stories, and even just observations, are some of the many types of posts that can be created to soften advertising campaigns.
A quick and inexpensive solution that we provide to help balance adverts are our social occasions plans. In short, these are posts that celebrate special occasion days.
Our standard plan is four professionally designed posts per month that mark occasions, costing as little as £39 + VAT per month.
The days that we mark are preset for the year and range from St Valentine’s Day to Mother’s Day and from St Patrick’s Day to Mother Ocean’s Day. They look something like the below, but with your logo and colours and a unique design to you.
We also offer a sports plus occasions plan where two sporting occasions are added to the standard plan each month, at a total cost of £59 + VAT per month.
The occasion days for the last quarter are shown below, but the full list we have marked this year, including the sports+ plan, can be found HERE.
If you would like to get started with one of our occasions plans, or have further questions, then we would love to hear from you via